Mobile App


Problem Statement

The customer portal had low user engagement and high dropout rates due to poor navigation, insufficient features, and a non-intuitive interface.

My Responsibilities

  • User Research: Conducted user interviews, surveys, and usability testing to gather insights into user needs and pain points.
  • Persona Creation: Developed detailed personas based on research to ensure the design was user-centered.
  • Information Architecture: Redesigned the information architecture to improve navigation and make it easier for users to find what they need.
  • Wireframing & Prototyping: Created wireframes and interactive prototypes using Sketch and InVision to visualize the new design and test with users.
  • Visual Design: Developed a modern, clean visual design that aligned with FinTech Hub's brand guidelines.
  • Usability Testing: Conducted several rounds of usability testing to validate design decisions and iterate on the feedback received.
  • Accessibility: Ensured the portal met WCAG 2.1 accessibility standards, making it usable for all users.
  • Collaboration: Worked closely with the development team to ensure accurate implementation of the designs and to address any technical constraints.


  1. Research & Discovery:
    • Conducted stakeholder interviews to understand business goals and user needs.
    • Analyzed existing user data and feedback to identify key issues with the current portal.
  2. Ideation & Design:
    • Created personas to represent the primary user groups.
    • Developed user journeys and scenarios to guide the design process.
    • Designed wireframes and interactive prototypes for key screens and features.
    • Applied visual design to ensure consistency and enhance user experience.
  3. Testing & Iteration:
    • Conducted usability testing sessions with existing and potential users.
    • Gathered feedback and identified usability issues.
    • Iterated on the design based on user feedback and additional testing.


  • Engagement: Increased user engagement by 50% through improved navigation and additional features.
  • Accessibility: Achieved compliance with WCAG 2.1 standards, making the portal accessible to all users.
  • User Satisfaction: Enhanced user satisfaction, evidenced by a 35% increase in positive user feedback.
  • Feature Utilization: Increased utilization of key features by 40%, such as financial tracking and personalized recommendations.


This project was a rewarding experience that emphasized the importance of thorough user research and iterative design. By focusing on the users’ needs and ensuring accessibility, we created a portal that not only met but exceeded user expectations. Collaboration with the development team was crucial in bringing the design to life, and the positive feedback from users was a testament to the project's success.